
02.03.2015  17:39

Thank you very much Mr. President, thank you for allowing me to speak here today.
We are here to discuss a tragedy: the downing of a commercial airliner and the death of 298 innocent people. Men, women and a staggering number of children lost their lives, on their way to their holiday destinations, their homes,loved ones, their international obligations, such as an important HIV/Aids conference in
The demise of almost 200 of my compatriots has left a hole in the heart of the Dutch nation. It has caused grief, anger and despair. Grief for the loss of the loved ones, anger for the outrage of the downing of a civilian airplane and despair after witnessing the excruciatingly slow process of securing the crash site and recovering the remains of the victims.
It is fitting that this august Council should take position on this matter, and I welcome the adoption of today’s resolution of the UNSC, which was tabled byAustraliaand which theNetherlandsco-sponsored. I thank the countries which expressed support for it. And I particularly want to thank Julie Bishop personally. Julie, we are in this together.
Mr President,
For the Netherlands, one priority clearly stands out above all others: bring the victims’ remains home. It is a matter of human decency that remains should be treated with respect and that recovering victim’s remains should be done without any delay.
The last couple of days we have received very disturbing reports of bodies being moved about and looted for their possessions. Just for one minute, not addressing you as representatives of your countries, but as husbands and wives,fathers and mothers, just imagine that you first get the news that your husband was killed, and then within two or three days, you see images of some thug removing the wedding band from their hands. Just imagine that this could be your spouse.
To my dying day I will not understand that it took so much time for the rescue workers to be allowed to do their difficult jobs and that human remains should be used in a political game. And somebody here around the table talks about a political game - this is the political game that has been played with human remains, and it is despicable. I hope the world will not have to witness this again, any time in the future.
Images of children’s toys being tossed around, luggage being opened and passports, including passports of children, being shown on television - they are turning our grief and mourning into anger of a whole nation. We demand unimpeded access to the terrain. We demand respectful treatment of the crash site. We demand dignity for the victims and the multitudes who mourn their loss.
I call on the international community, on the Security Council, on anyone with influence on the situation on the ground: allow us to bring the victims’remains home to their loved ones without any further delay. They deserve to be home.
电视画面中出现了被随意践踏的玩具,被野蛮撬开的行李箱, 护照,甚至儿童们的护照。悲伤与哀思就这样被引燃成民族的愤怒。我们强烈要求不受阻碍地进入空难地区的权利;我们强烈要求对坠机现场进行应有的保护;我们强烈要求我们和我们已故亲人们获得该有的尊严。在这里我呼吁国际社会和联合国安理会以及对地面局势有影响力的各方,帮助我们将遇难者遗体运送回家乡亲人身边。他们该回家了!
As we are currently taking the lead in the forensic examination of the human remains, I pledge that theNetherlandswill do its utmost to make sure that all remains will be identified and returned home, wherever that home may be.
We will work intensively with all countries and international organizations involved to make this happen as soon as possible.
Mr. President,
I also welcome the setting up of a proper investigation into the cause of the tragedy of MH17, as envisaged in today’s resolution. TheNetherlandshas agreed to assume a leading role in such an investigation, in close cooperation with the relevant countries, the United Nations and ICAO. I am fully aware of the great responsibility we now take upon ourselves and I give you my personal commitment that we will discharge this responsibility to the best of our abilities. As far as the safety and security of the site and international investigators is concerned, I underline the responsibility the Security Council took upon itself with today’s Resolution to take additional measures if circumstances so require.
正如今天的决议,我赞成对马航 MH17 悲剧的原因进行彻底的调查。荷兰将会在这次调查中担当领头的责任,我们也会全力和其他相关国家,联合国及国际民航组织进行密切合作。我深刻的意识到荷兰肩上担负的重大责任。我以个人名义担保,我们会竭尽一切能力不辱使命。对于遇难现场和国际调查员的安保问题,安理会在今天的决议中也阐明了它在形势需要时提供额外措施的责任。
Once the investigation ascertains who was responsible for the downing of the flight MH17, accountability and justice must be pursued and delivered. We owe it to the victims, we owe it to justice, we owe it to humanity. Please, provide full cooperation so that justice can be served. We will not rest until all facts are known and justice is served.
I thank you, Mr. President.
再一次感谢你, 主席先生。