
02.11.2015  22:00


我们,亚欧会议成员残疾人事务相关部门和机构代表,于2015年10月29—30日出席了在中国北京举行的亚欧会议框架下残疾人合作会议。本次会议由中国残疾人联合会在中国外交部、世界卫生组织和国际电信联盟的支持下举办,旨在落实2014年第十届亚欧首脑会议“将残疾人领域合作列入亚欧合作框架”的倡议,响应联合国2030年可持续发展议程。这项倡议得到许多亚欧会议成员的支持,德国、新西兰、巴基斯坦和法国是这项倡议的共同提案国。 在会上,各界代表围绕“突破障碍,融合发展”的主题,就亚欧成员残疾人工作现状、加强残疾人领域务实合作、亚欧残疾人领域合作的切入点—辅助器具产业发展、亚欧残疾人领域融合发展的着眼点—残疾人就业与培训等议题进行了广泛深入且富有成果的讨论。会议同期举办了全球辅助器具产业发展大会(又称“亚欧+”),以推动辅助器具产业成为亚欧会议务实合作的切入点。 我们注意到,全世界有约10亿残疾人,其中超过半数生活在亚欧会议成员国。残疾人问题关系到社会发展、人权保障和经济增长,是亚欧各国普遍面临的问题,各国在这个领域具有很强的多样性和互补性,开展务实合作空间巨大。亚欧会议是政府间对话与交流的平台,为促进亚欧国家间在许多领域开展互利共赢的合作发挥了重要作用。将残疾人事务纳入亚欧会议合作框架,有助于促进亚欧国家人文交流和社会发展,造福广大人民。 不久前通过的联合国2030年可持续发展议程特别强调保障弱势群体的权利,呼吁国际社会加强合作,加倍努力,构建和谐与包容的社会环境。我们一致同意,未来亚欧残疾人领域合作的三个支柱是:推动社会发展、促进人权保障、拉动经济增长。各国在残疾人领域的交流与合作应建立在平等和相互尊重的基础上,以突破障碍和实现共同发展为目标,努力为残疾人创造更加包容的社会环境,促进残疾人的融合发展。这项工作需要与联合国《残疾人权利公约》相符。 为实现这一目标,我们倡议:每两年举办一次亚欧残疾人合作高级别会议,就进一步加强各国在残疾人领域的合作交换意见,形成共识,制定规划,打造亚欧残疾人领域合作的长效机制; 充分利用政府和民间资源,启动和实施更多的残疾人相关国际合作项目,将残疾人事务纳入更多常规项目中,支持残疾人相关社会组织能力建设,有效推进残疾人领域的务实合作; 积极探索构建亚欧会议框架下残疾人辅助技术及产业的交流与合作平台,参照联合国《残疾人权利公约》关于辅助器具相关条款,推动优势互补、技术共享以及政策的制定与落实,使广大残疾人士受益于辅具产品和服务; 亚欧各国要将残疾人事务纳入现有的多、双边对话或合作机制,分享在残疾人工作各个领域的成功经验,促进亚欧残疾人工作的共同发展。 我们建议,将本次会议的成果提交2015年11月第十二届亚欧外长会议、2015年12月第5届亚欧劳工和就业部长会议和2016年7月第十一届亚欧首脑会议。   ASEM High-level Meeting on Disability Joint Initiative Enhancing Disability Cooperation among ASEM Members   We, delegates from ASEM members, attended the ASEM High-level Meeting on Disability, held in Beijing, China on 29/30 October 2015. The meeting was part of the ASEM Disability Cooperation Event organized by China Disabled Persons’ Federation with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, World Health Organization and International Telecommunication Union, aimed at implementing the initiative “incorporation of disability issues into the ASEM cooperation framework” of the 10th ASEM Summit in 2014, which gained support from a lot of ASEM members, among them Germany, New Zealand, Pakistan and France are co-sponsors. The Meeting is also in response to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. During the Meeting, under the theme of “Break Barriers for Inclusive Development”, delegates had extensive, in-depth and fruitful discussion on the following topics: Opportunities and Challenges—Current Status of Work on Disability in ASEM members; Enhancing Pragmatic Cooperation—Best Practice Sharing; Assistive Devices & Technology—a Starting Point of ASEM Cooperation on Disability; Towards Inclusive Development—Vocational Training and Employment for Persons with Disabilities. The Meeting was held along with Global Conference on Assistive Devices & Technology, namely “ASEM plus”, an effort to promote assistive devices as the entry point for pragmatic cooperation. We noted that the world has an estimated one billion people with disabilities, more than half of them live in ASEM member countries. Disability is an issue related to social development, human rights and economic growth that has to be tackled by ASEM members. In this field, ASEM members have significant varieties, complementarities and opportunities of cooperation. ASEM provides an inter-governmental platform for dialogue and cooperation, and performs important function in promoting Asian-European countries to carry out mutual-benefit cooperation in many fields. Incorporating disability issues into the ASEM cooperation framework will contribute to the people-to-people exchange and social development, and will bring benefit to people living in the continents. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development lays special emphasis on protecting the rights of vulnerable groups, and calls for strengthened international cooperation and amplified efforts by all stakeholders to build harmonious and inclusive social development. In this regard, we agree that future ASEM cooperation in the field of disability will be based on the following three pillars: social development, human rights promotion and economic growth. The exchange and cooperation in this field among ASEM members should be based on equality and mutual-respect, with common goals of breaking barriers and common development, so as to create a more inclusive social environment for persons with disabilities and promote their inclusion in development. This work needs to be in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. To achieve this objective, we call for concerted efforts in the following areas: ASEM High-level Meeting on Disability will be held every two years, for exchanging best practices on disability cooperation among ASEM members, with a view to establishing an appropriate long-term mechanism of ASEM disability cooperation; To make full use of relevant resources to initiate and implement more disability-related international cooperation projects and more mainstreaming of disability concerns in general projects, to support the capacity building of civil society organizations of persons with disabilities, and to effectively promote the pragmatic cooperation in the field of disability; To explore the possibility to establish a platform of exchange and cooperation in assistive devices & technology under the ASEM cooperation framework, for mutual complementarity, technology sharing and the making and implementing of policies for assistive technology as indicated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, so that they could benefit from the development of assistive devices, products and services; To include disability issues into the existing multilateral and bilateral dialogue or cooperation mechanism among ASEM members, for sharing successful experience in all aspects of the work on disability, and promoting common development in this regard. We suggest that the outcome of this meeting be submitted to the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers Meeting in November 2015, the 5th ASEM Labour and Employment Ministers’ Conference in December 2015 and the 11th ASEM Summit in July 2016.     来源:中国残联