
02.03.2015  17:38

中国(上海)自由贸易试验区China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
准入前国民待遇pre-establishment national treatment
负面清单negative list
事先审批ex anteapproval
事中、事后监管concurrent and ex postsupervision
贸易和投资便利化trade and investment facilitation
人民币资本项目可兑换RMB convertibility under the capital account
利率市场化liberalization of interest rates
人民币跨境使用cross-border use of RMB
货物状态分类监管categorized supervision based on the status of goods
海关特殊监管区special customs supervision areas
先行先试、风险可控、分步推进、逐步完善to pioneer reforms, keep risks under control, move forward step by step and seek constant improvements;
离岸业务off-shore business
期货保税交割bonded futures delivery
仓单质押融资warehouse receipt/warrant financing
中转集拼业务transshipment and consolidation
境内关外inside the national border but outside the customs territory
一线放开to ease control on the first line
二线安全高效管住to have effective and efficient control on the second line
融资租赁出口退税export tax rebate for financial leasing businesses
单机、单船子公司subsidiaries with single aircraft or vessel
注册资本认缴制registered capital subscription